We're All in This Together
Our entire nation is feeling the effects of the Coronavirus. The health and safety of our clients and team members is our highest priority. As an essential service to the community we are following CDC guidelines on construction sites and encouraging virtual appointments.
The Comfort of Home
Spending more time in your kitchen? Thinking you could use some more space? Wish your basement was a great place for kids to hang out? We're all thinking a little more about our homes. Interested in scheduling a virtual appointment to learn more about our process? We're here to help.
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What Inspires You?
Need inspiration for your home design? Schedule your virtual appointment today!
Our Response to the Coronavirus
With the spread of the coronavirus in the DC/MD/VA area, we are doing what we can to respond to the evolving situation.
This Is What We Do
We are Case. We are architects and remodelers. Designers and project managers. Makers and artisans. We are passionate about ideating, innovating, and collaborating to make the incredible happen every day.
— Additions — Baths — Outdoor Living — Kitchens — Indoor Living — Whole House